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  • LawnSeed 10kg
  • Lawn Seed 10kg
  • Grass Seed 5 kg
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Seeds Ireland

Premium Lawn Seed

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€59,95 EUR
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€59,95 EUR
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5kg or 10kg Premium Goldcrop Lawn Seed

This Grass Seed Mix Contains The Following Cultivars:

50% = Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass: Jubliee 

50% = Strong Creeping Fescue: Dipper

Description: This lawn seed mix is specially blended for a low maintenance, hard-wearing lawn that has excellent colour and uniform appearance. The Ryegrass conatined in the mix is hard wearing and has a dark green colour. The Fescue contained in the mix is a wispier grass that tolerates shade and drought. This is an all round premium lawn seed mix that is Irish certified quality.

5kg Coverage: Up to 150m2

10kg Coverage: Up to 300m2

Sowing: March to September

Cutting: March to November

How to Start a Lawn From Seed


If you are overseeding into your existing lawn, make sure any moss and weeds are removed first. You can do this through scarification. This will allow the grass seeds to make contact with the soil and give it it's best chance to grow.

If you are sowing a new lawn, clear the soil as best you can of stones and other debris, and try to rake it smooth.

Sowing Grass Seed

Spread the lawn seed evenly over the area at a rate between 35g to 50g per square metre. After the grass seed is spread, rake it lightly into the soil. Roll over the area with something, or stamp it in with your foot. Water the area.


When temperatures are above 15°C you will start to see the seed germinating. It is very important to keep the area moist the from the day the seed is sown until the grass is established.

After Care

When the grass is established, and has reached 8cm to 10cm in height, cut it for the first time. Be careful not to turn your lawn mower too aggressively at this early stage as the grass will still be weak. Refrain from using a ride on mower on new lawns until it is well established, and can handle the wear.

Applying a fertiliser, will help establishe your lawn quicker. A new lawn requires fertiliser to establish it. Over time the lawn will build up its own bank of organic matter, and fertiliser will not be so necessary. Our Landscaper pro fertiliser is a top quality lawn fertiliser.

Patch Work

If you are just patching up some dead spots in an existing lawn, loosen the soil in the patch first. Sprinkle seed into the patch. Rake it in. Follow the same after care instructions as above.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Caroline D. (Ireland)
Premium Lawn Seed

Where I have applied the grass seed it's really after taking off, found though if you cover the seed with a bit of topsoil it grows better and the birds are less likely to eat the seeds. Great value compared to the boxes of grass seeds you get in hardware shops and local supermarkets.

Regina V. (Ireland)

I am satisfied

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